0 232 364 63 53 atillaayral@hotmail.com

What is Neural Therapy?

Neural therapy is a healing technique performed by applying a local anaesthetic substance to painful areas of the body. Neural therapy provides stimulation and regulation of the autonomic nervous system, which is in a very large electrical network structure in our body, that is, the nervous system whose control is done automatically by the brain. This nervous system controls our vital organs in our body and ensures their regular functioning. A number of disorders develop in this system due to factors such as foreign substances we take, daily excessive stress, hormonal disorders. If the body cannot repair itself afterwards, diseases occur.

Neural therapy reorganises and regulates the disturbed balance in this system. In the area where it is applied, the impaired blood flow is restored, lymph drainage increases, thus harmful metabolites are removed from the body. The disturbed nerve conduction is restored and the organism works regularly again.

Although the healing effect of the local anaesthetics used in neural therapy has been known before, the concept of neural therapy, which we know today, has emerged by two German doctors.

How does neural therapy work?

Albert Fleckenstein, a German neurophysiologist, found that in all cells of the organism there is an electrical potential difference between the inside and outside of the cell membrane. This electrical force enables the nerve cells to exchange information between the various parts of the organism.

With each stimulus, this electrical potential in the cell falls (depolarised), but the cell immediately recovers and the electrical potential rises to the normal limit (repolarised). As a result of intense irritations (chemical - physical - traumatic), the cell cannot repolarise again by its own means, this cell remains depolarised continuously, it is now fragile and out of balance, in other words it is sick.

The cell, whose natural balance is disturbed, cannot participate in the general information flow, cannot fulfil its functions, thus, since it is constantly discharged in a rhythmic manner, it sends disturbing impulses, frequencies and creates a DISTURBING FIELD.

The applied local anaesthetics correct the disturbed electrical potential of the cell, eliminate the effect of the disturbed field and cure the dysfunctions and diseases that have occurred.

According to Huneke Method, neural therapy works with two basic mechanisms.

- The first is the segmental mechanism. This is based on the injection of local anaesthetic into the segment where the disease is located and the connection of this segment with the spinal cord.

- The second is the elimination of the area causing the disease (interference field). Injection into this area results in a sudden disappearance of the symptoms (flash phenomenon = immediate effect).

In Which Diseases is Neural Therapy Effective?

Neural therapy is a healing technique performed by applying a local anaesthetic substance to painful areas of the body. Neural therapy reorganises and regulates the disturbed balance in this system.

Neural therapy is generally used in the treatment of low back, neck and back pain, neck and herniated discs, joint pain such as hip, knee, shoulder, rheumatic diseases, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, lower extremity circulatory disorders, migraine, tinnitus and dizziness, restless leg syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, anxiety.

How many sessions should neural therapy be applied?

Neural therapy is a regulation therapy. It is applied 2 or 3 sessions per week.

Treatment sessions are different for each patient. The reason for this is the severity of the disease, the number of disturbing areas in the body and the different healing abilities of the patients.

For this reason, Neuraltherapy starts to show an effect between the 1st and 5th sessions, and the fact that this treatment effect is more or less gives us an idea about the total number of treatment sessions.