0 232 364 63 53 atillaayral@hotmail.com

What is Migraine?

Migraine is not just a simple headache, but an important disorder that interferes with daily activities and impairs the quality of life of the person and his/her close environment. Migraine is the second leading cause of headache after tension-type headache. One out of every 4 women and one out of every 12 men suffer from migraine. Headache may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, light and sound sensitivity. Psychological problems such as anxiety and depression occur in two thirds of migraine patients.

What Triggers Migraine Attacks?

Migraine is a disease characterised by attacks and sometimes these attacks may last for 4 hours or 3 days.

Between attacks, the person starts to worry about the next attack.

Some triggers have been shown to cause the onset of migraine:

dietary; cheese, alcohol, chocolate, excessive caffeine or caffeine deprivation,

emotional state; anxiety, depression, intense stress

physical stress; excessive fatigue, travelling, little sleep

external stimuli; climate change, pressure changes, intense odours.

hormonal factors, menstrual periods, birth control pills, some hormonal drugs

Migraine Treatment?

Migraine treatment from a neural therapy perspective;

Firstly, a detailed history is taken and the characteristics of the patient and the disease are determined (onset of the disease, is it accompanied by neck pain?).

With a neural therapy perspective, application areas and interference areas are identified and treatment is started.

The patient is informed about the factors that trigger migraine attacks and is advised to take necessary precautions.

Neural therapy is a treatment method performed in sessions. The substance used is low-dose lidocaine or procaine. Here, not the anaesthetic effect of the agents, but their bioelectrical activity is used.

Migraine with Neural Therapy Perspective?

Migraine is a disorder of bioelectrical activity arising from the autonomic nervous system, i.e. temporary disruption of vascular-nerve circulatory function.

Although there are developments in today's medicine for migraine, the treatments used are aimed at relieving pain rather than eliminating the cause of migraine.

The aim of neural therapy is to restore the impaired tissue blood supply by regulating the autonomic nervous system. The aim is to find the cause of migraine complaints, neutralise it and restore the balance.

For this purpose, the occurrence and timing of migraine are carefully analysed. Disruptive areas (dental problems, infections, wounds), triggering factors and other systemic or neurological diseases are identified and a treatment programme is developed.